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  -> Robert Holmgren:
XY-> 1989 was the last version of BIGDEFIN.  XyWrite's feature set kept changing
  -> v3.50 through v3.57, so 3rd party programs were continuously adjusted to
  -> track the changes.

XY-> Surely you're aware that wildcard CHanges were not natively available in
  -> v3.5x.  So not "everyone" could do them; in fact, no one could do them.
  -> WILDCIA overcame that limitation -- the first program to do so, to my
  -> knowledge.  If you have a serviceable routine that automates multiple
  -> wildcard CHanges under v3.5x, why not share it with us?

I already offered to share the programs, but Annie was the only person who responded.

As I've explained, the programs are not documented (or even finished in some ways, since I
never bothered having ENTER as an end result -- I used it to process program steps), so it
is on a use-as-is-basis (with one Xy bug involving outside parameters of a period on each
side or a space on each side or something like that).

Since Xy 4 has the whole concept built in, it seems rather pointless finishing them.

I do not know which of us has priority; the oldest finish date on the files goes back to
1/88 -- but it includes user feedback as well as invisible changes in five variations of
inside and outside wild possibilities in a three-part statement in which either the inside
part is wild or the outside parts are wild, including text or wildcards).

Personally, I would have thought my 1000-change program or my
MULTI program (for running the same XPL on any number of files) would have been of more
interest for 3.5 since insofar as I'm aware neither has been done and current word
processors don't readily offer the same features. Both also have the advantage of
documentation.  (I've haven't kept the notes to either, but they used to be available at
various BBSs, including TTG.)

