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Re: oem font for XyWin

Dear Kari
Thanks. I have been trying Fony and I see it can import TTF fonts and then store them as .FON. I am having a bit of trouble finding a monospace ttf font that is heavy enough at 20x10. I am sure there must be one somewhere ...


On 05/02/2020 09:31, Kari Eveli wrote:
Dear Paul,

If you need a custom solution, the best place to start is maybe your own
system. Modify one of fonts installed to suit your needs. Here is a tool
that is modern and makes FON/FNT fiddling a breeze (it locates
automatically your installed fonts and reinstalls them; make sure you
first make an archival copy of installed fonts in order not to lose the
originals in case something goes wrong):

If you lack a symbol set, go to
https://winworldpc.com/product/windows-3/wfw-311 to locate versions that
contain the fonts you need.

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

*** Lexitec Online ***
Lexitec in English: http://www.lexitec.fi/english.html
Home page in Finnish: http://www.lexitec.fi/

I think that XyWin could be useful for some of the work I do, but only
if I can find a suitable OEM font.  At the moment I have it set up
with the font 8514oem.fon but this only supports code page 437.  I
need at least code page 850.  The 8514oem.fon is what in windows is
called a large font, and it is installed when the display is set for
120dpi in the display settings (in Windows 7 and Windows XP). Unfortunately these fonts are very poorly documented and I have not
been able to find a single font of this size for code page 850.  Does
anybody know anything about these fonts and if so, whether an
alternative exists that would support code page 850?

