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Re: Settings for 35-line, 43-line, 90-column windows?

Reply to note from Edward Mendelson <em36@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Mon, 28 Dec 2020
11:27:38 -0500


If Paul's suggestion doesn't work, maybe one of these will. This may
simply be a screen refresh issue (which is what I think Paul's method
effectively addresses). In STARTUP.INT, try adding a func FF (Force
reFresh) right after the DEFAULT command. If FF doesn't work, try the two
alternatives commented-out, as they more aggressively force Xy4 to
refresh the screen.

BX DEFAULT SL=43Q2 FF ;*;<return>
;*; BX DEFAULT SL=43Q2 AS AS ;*;<return> Func Alternate Screen x 2
;*; BX DEFAULT SL=43Q2 SW ES ;*;<return> Funcs Show Window menu + Escape

Pseudo-code above; real code attached.

If none of the above works, I can only imagine that you're also loading a
printer file with an SL=25 setting, either further down in STARTUP.INT or
elsewhere. If so, the answer is to make sure that the DEFAULT command in
STARTUP.INT executes last, so that any previous inconsistent default SL
setting is overridden.

Carl Distefano

Attachment: TWOLINES.XY4
Description: Binary data