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Re: DOSBox-X version 0.83.10 released!

Hello all,
This is not the traditional Xy way. In most cases, I would think that saving often and using an AB and CA cycle to recover the previous save is enough. Sometimes it is not, and using Editpad with Xy syntax coloring to edit Xy files gives one limitless undo. Remember that you can have the same file open in Editpad and XyWrite at the same time. Editpad can be made to reflect the current saved state of a Xy file on disk automatically, XyWrite needs an AB and CA cycle to refresh the file edited and saved with Editpad.
While snapshots are great with virtual machines in general, they may be 
a bit unwieldy in this case. It is easy to program an alternative save 
routine using XyWrite's programming language which saves multiple bak 
files with file extensions like 001, 002, etc. Then all you have to do 
is to save ever so often.

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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I would want to have the same almost unlimited levels of undo that Windows has.