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Carl, thanks as always. That worked, of course. Another funny thing that happens when xy loads into Edward's emulation is that the disc-folder signifier prompt (ie., C:\XY4) at the top of xy's display blinks. Never did that before. I know there's a setting for that somewhere, but it's been many years . . .
Edward, thank you. Setting window width as you described (to 100) does not change the display from what I had when set at 80. Running 90X43 widens the display slightly, making the font slightly smaller, but does not change the screen real estate taken by the program by much. A more important issue for me is to create a 4dos shell other than the one packaged in, with my own initialization file, aliases, and so on; I can do this manually every time, but would like to have the program load that way at startup.
Again thanks to you both, especially Edward's non-support support!

On Sun, Jan 2, 2022 at 12:23 PM Carl Distefano <cld@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Reply to note from Fred Weiner <fw1948@xxxxxxxxx> Sat, 1 Jan 2022
16:07:28 -0700


The syntax you're looking for is:

JM 2.clrwQ2 ;*;

However, I'm going to echo Edward and suggest that CLRW is not what you
want here. The reason CLRW works is that it includes the WINDOW command
that Edward suggested. So, you might as well just use WINDOW; to get
full screen, a shortened version of the command will suffice:

BX window 1Q2 ;*;

Alternatively, you can use:

SW f;*;

(That's func SW, of course.)

Carl Distefano