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Re: vDosPlus XyWrite 4 Service Pack and vDosPlus XyWrite Update (for all XyWrite products)

The following error had slipped into the Documentation\changelog.txt:

It has (if you downloaded before reading this email):
- installers do NOT remember the values of a previous run as this might be confusing when installing parallel setups, default values are shown each time instead.

It now has (updated today):
- installers remember the values of a previous run even if they belong to a setup made by another vDosPlus XyWrite installer (versions 5.03 and 5.02 share the same installation ID). This helps if you use the installer to add optional components to the same setup but can be confusing when installing parallel setups. Careful attention is needed when installing!
This was a change of policy at a fairly late stage of the development. 
Sorry for the confusion if any.

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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