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Essentially minor, but infuriating, character glitch

Been struggling with this issue on and off for a year or two. A couple of high order ascii
characters keep inserting themselves onto the screen, at the cursor position usually but not
necessarily. It is random, sometimes not for a whole session, sometimes every few minutes. Takes the
form of one of these two characters  --

  ---    ���or    ééé  ---

Will pop into being without a finger on the keyboard. I've just been cursing and deleting them, but
it has happened when I am editing .int and .kbd files, and if I missed it I could have a real
problem debugging if something screws up. 
Running the latest version of VDOS-Xy  on Win11 13th gen chip
Have tried a few things --- massaging config.txt, changing code pages (thanks Carl), even swapping
keyboards -- but the problem persists.

So, is this a known problem? Have I missed some simple fix? Any ideas for a workaround? Thanks,

Harry Favor