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Re: Essentially minor, but infuriating, character glitch

Reply to note from "Harry Favor" <hbfavor1943@xxxxxxxxx> Sun, 24 Mar 2024 23:16:51

Harry, a couple of thoughts:

Does your Windows setup include multiple keyboard files? Mine does, and I find that it's easy to
inadvertently switch into one or another of them (by unintentionally pressing Windows key +
spacebar). When that happens it wreaks havoc in XyWrite. So, if my keyboard starts malfunctioning,
the first thing I do is to press Winkey+spacebar as many times as necessary to get back to my main
keyboard -- in my case, English (United States).

Another possibility relates to the phenomenon of shifting keys getting stuck in the down position,
which has been observed to happen with DOS emulators such as vDosPlus and DOSBox-X. This can cause
stray characters to be deposited into XyWrite. To address this I wrote a Windows utility called
UnstickKeys. Put it in your Windows startup folder; it runs in the background and silently
"unsticks" the shifting keys when it detects that they've become stuck. I run it all the
time, and it's greatly reduced my keyboard issues in vDosPlus. If you're interested, it's available
on the XyWWWeb supplemental downloads page, <https://ammaze.net/xywwweb/dls/>.

Hope this helps.

Carl Distefano