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Re: nb10 beta 6

NB has been unresponsive of late. Has anyone heard personally from them?
Any XPL incompatibility is a big issue, as far as I'm concerned. If they simply document the changes, that difficulty can be met.
The latest version of of NB10 appears to make significant advances towards compatibility with Xywrite, particularly by allowing a keyboard to be used, unmodified. You can also load XYWWWEB. However while some routines work, it appears that many don't. I know specifically that the Stack does not function, at least not in my installation.
I have tried to make various configuration changes in order to try and get
XYWWWEB routines to operate but have concluded that it is beyond my
ability and knowledge.
Is anybody who knows about these things (ie Carl or Robert) looking at
NB10? If so, should it work? I have tried all the modifications I use
with NB9 to get everything to work smoothly by without success.
Paul Breeze