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Re: Secure Connection Failed - lexitec.fi - interim solution

Hello all,

I have finally been able to get some idea of what this thing is about.

Using Edge, if I set Enabled the flag "TLS Kyber Confidentiality"
Command line: edge://flags/#edge-post-quantum-kyber
lexitec.fi shows as unsecure site.
However, if I set it to Disabled, I can view the site without any such remarks. Those who have had this problem, please experiment.
"This option enables use of hybrid post-quantum (Kyber768 + NIST-P384) 
key exchange when establishing a TLS connection". It may be that (some 
implementation of) TLS 1.2 will support this but it seems that my 
current TLS 1.2 does not. This may be an overkill for simple browsing 
and downloading freely available stuff.

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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