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Re: Xy on Mac

Myron Gochnauer wrote:
The easiest way to do this is to copy Xy4 from your old computer onto one or more floppy disks.

Would a CD work? Because I was going to send her the DOS files
on CD.
The problem you will have getting things into and out of your Parallels-DOS system comes from two things:
2) DOS itself only gives you easy access to "drives" or drive-like
things with names like A:, B:, C: etc. Once you are in the Parallels-DOS
environment, your Mac hard disk is (I think) invisible --- it is nothing
to which DOS can assign a letter.

Well, but didn't Flash just say that
there is a "share" function in one of the menus
which allows the virtual DOS machine to 'see' the
Mac file system. When you activate the "share"
function, a Mac choser window opens allowing
you to maneuver around on the Mac's file system
and create &/or share any folder.

If Parallels doesn't have that, that's a real handicap.
Patricia M. Godfrey