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Re: Xy3 over Xy4... ?

** Reply to message from  on Mon,
10 Dec 2007 10:59:11 -0800

> The deal-breaker I have with Xy4 is that tabbing
> back into Xy puts the cursor on the CMD line, when
> it had been in text originally.

I've never seen that. I Alt-Tab constantly, and almost always
run Xy4 in FullScreen VGA (the _real_ FullScreen), as I assume
you do. Hmmm... What key do you have assigned to your toggle
between Text and the CMline? Wouldn't happen to be an
Alt-{something} key, would it? Maybe if you put a func NI at
the beginning of that assignment? Sometimes the Alt key gets
"sticky" and does wierd things. Try, as an experiment, moving
the toggle assignment off that Alt key.

Robert Holmgren