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Re: Highlighting Lines, the sequel

** Reply to note from jbesser@xxxxxxxx Fri, 28 Mar 97 15:45:09 +0000

> So I switch to the phone directory, automatically set up as a very small window
> at the bottom of the screen, and cursor down; the key has been redefined
> as: 102=xd,nl,dl .
> Works like a charm going down--but it won't work g oing up, as in
> 100=xd,pl,dl. In that case, it defines one line, then won't move.
> Why is this?

Jim: Remember that func DL causes the cursor to move to the line
following the one DeFined. Going up, that causes an endless loop
that keeps putting the cursor back where it was, so that the same
line keeps getting DeFined on successive tries. You have to get
the cursor off the dime. 100=xdpldlpl should do the trick.

Carl Distefano  * * *