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Re: SWEEP WORKS! searching subdirectories

Reply to note from Judith Davidsen  Sun, 21
Jul 2002 15:52:12 -0400

> [SSE] does indeed work, but it won't stop. When I've found what
> I want, I hit s for stop, but it just keep searching and
> finding all the remaining instances of the searchterm. Stop
> seems to mean keep going.

That's a characteristic of SWEEP, not of my helper frame. SSE
simply "repackages" the search statement in a form that SWEEP can
understand and then hands it off to SWEEP. You'll get the same
behavior if you issue the equivalent command using SWEEP directly.

The fix is not a modification to SSE or SWEEP, but rather a mod to
the program called by SWEEP, in this case {{5ch*,ci*,cv*,se*}} -- a
simple matter of forcing an EXit absolute () when the user
selects S=Stop or O=Open. That's an easy change which we can add to

> By the way, before the search starts, I get the message "There
> is not enough memory to perform the function," but then it
> changes its mind and performs the function.

Again, not related to SSE or SWEEP, but in all likelihood a "pre-
existing condition", as the bureaucrats like to say. When you see
that error, it's time to save all open files, quit Xy and start a
fresh editing session.

> ADD2U2 gets me "application error,"

Then you're not running v112. "Application error" signals that the
requested routine isn't present in U2. ADD2U2 was introduced in
v112, so you must be loading an earlier version. See the
instructions in XYWWWEB.TXT on "How to Replace an Old Version of
XYWWWEB.U2 with the Latest Version".

Carl Distefano