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Re: More questions about using Xywrite with a Mac

Bob asked again:

> I guess my first post didn't go though. I have some more questions about
> your use of Xywrite on a Mac:

    Thought I did, but I'll do so again.

> 1. Does the keyboard.kbd file work on the Mac? In other words, can xywrite
> take control of the keyboard and change or rearrange the use of every key?
     My keyboard file works, but it's not the most heavily
customized  -- so there might be something that doesn't, but I really
doubt that. So far I haven't found anything that doesn't work. OTOH, the
Mac keyboard is not like a PC keyboard -- there's no "alt" key so
marked, at least -- the "option" key works for that. There is a
"control" key, as well, and a "command" key.

> 2. Does the "DO" command work, and can you run other DOS programs from
> within Xywrite?
   Definitely. You can shell out to DOS, or you can just run DO --
everything works just like on a PC.
Pretty surprising to me, when I first started playing with it. I had
expected that these things and the keyboard would be a problem.

Harmon Seaver hseaver@xxxxxxxx
All is impermanent, but this too shall pass away, and the way of the
Samurai is death -- so speak your mind now, or forever hold your peace.
Copyright, Harmon F. Seaver, 1998. License to distribute this post is
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