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Re: replacing foreign characters

"Yo Intl. YK" wrote:

> At 10:23 PM 9/18/01 -0700, R. E. Stannard Jr. wrote:
> >So IS there a simple way to capture the offending foreign character by
> >highlighting, and pasting it into the right place in a CHA sequence?
> >            Ted Stannard in Phnom Penh
> Yes. Make a little search and replace program and run it. You can copy and
> past all your characters at leasure, and even better, you can subsequently
> just run the program and replace all the offending characters in one go.
> -- Rene von Rentzell, Tokyo  


I sometimes see what I believe to be erroneous foreign characters in *English*
text on some pages, in everything from ads to editorials. At least as it
relates to what I see here, I've been told that this can happen for a couple
of reasons: 1) The page was composed with Microsoft FrontPage, & 2) Some
earlier versions of Netscape -- such as the 4.61 that is pervasive on the OS/2
platform -- do not display such pages correctly. I also sometimes see raw
Javascript code displayed, which is supposed to be under the covers, i.e.
invisible. Hopefully one of the Netscape descendants now being developed for
my preferred platform will resolve these issues. On the NT side, I use a
recent version of NS, but not often enough to know how it fares in this
regard. Supposedly, Internet Exploiter (er, Explorer) displays pages without
these anomalies, but, MS being MS, I'm not rushing to place any bets on that.
