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RE: Something special about Ctrl+Shift+C?

On Thursday, November 06, 1997 12:10 AM, Carl Distefano
[SMTP:CLDistefano@xxxxxxxx] wrote:
> Reply to note from rrr@xxxxxxxx (Rene von Rentzell) Thu, 6 Nov 97
> 03:34:18 +0000
> -> The file I was working with was, naturally, gone. I lost about
> -> 1 hour of work, ...
Sorry about that, especially when it can be avoided.

Make the following line in your SETTINGS.DFL file and you will
automatically back up your work a minimum of every 2 minutes (If you are
not typing and every 5 minutes if you are typing.
; AOT is the autosave time in minutes
df aot=2,5
The Autosaved file, on my machine, is put in the F:\ZWC\XY4\DOCS\ directory
with the following line in my SETTINGS.DFL file.

; Autosave path

The file is saved in that directory as AUTOSAVn.TMP (where the "n" is a 1
to 10 sequence of Autosaves.

With the above setup, your most recent autosave, no more than 5 minutes
ago, is most likely AUTOSAV1.TMP.

This saves so much pain.
