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Re: printer error messages

** Reply to message from "Patricia M. Godfrey"
 on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 17:16:31 -0500

> > Users have passwords. Just enter the current user's pass on the
> > other (remote) machine, or the Administrator's pass.
> I've tried that. Doesn't work. Now, it's possible I'm mistyping
> the password now. Or mistyped it when I first created it, so that
> it isn't what I think it is. (I'm NOT sure what I've typed unless
> I can SEE it. And up until Vista--actually something good about
> it!--you cannot turn off the hiddenness of passwords.)

I can't agree about the last point -- I hate those damn
asterisks. Again, they're protecting me from myself?? Wretched

But anyway... are we talking about the same thing? I'm
confused. You say you have a BATch file to issue NET USE
commands to enable access, from your computer, to the storage on
other computers -- right? Presumably that means you're using
UNC commands -- right? Or, anyway, the BATch file certainly
must issue UNC commands, even if you use FileOpen dialogs a la
"My Computer". So why doesn't that BATch file _show_, plain
text, the correct passwords? How can you get access to a remote
machine without issuing the passwords? What ARE you doing? If
you don't have the correct password, then who is
"Administrator"? Don't tell me that there ISN'T an
Administrator! That wouldn't be good. So if there's an
Administrator, then log in as Administrator. Your problem may
be that nobody logged in to the remote has sufficient level of
permission to open up access. (I confess, I have NEVER run any
machine of mine as anything but Administrator, so I really don't
have a clue what happens if a machine is started by an
unpermissioned user, and then a permissioned but remote user
tries to get net access to that machine. These are the kinds of
wrinkles that drive me up the wall on other people's machines --
nothing works!) How about an excerpt from your BATch file.
(And BTW, NETBIOS and NETBEUI have always been finicky about the
length of passwords -- used to complain about the case, too,
wanted everything UPPER, but not any more... I keep the length
to max 8 chars.)

Anyway, I've lost the thread and don't really understand the
fundamental problem. But here's an idea: turn off the whole
bloody firewall, and then see if you can get in to the remote
machine. I've seen machines, especially with Symantec, where
you can't use the LAN. Uninstall Symantec, and -- magic!

Robert Holmgren