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Re: Dos Box

FWIW, there is a big thread on Slashdot about where to buy a cheap used
laptop (not dramatically cheap, but $400 or so) and also how to repair

At 03:52 PM 3/11/02 -0500, Robert Holmgren wrote:

>Why not just buy a new battery for your notebook? Otherwise, buy a ThinkPad.
>Costly, but they work. Best support of any manufacturer, and the standard by
>which other notebooks are measured. When function (and other) keys don't
>on a notebook (which is most of the time, especially with old DOS programs
>think they know how to manipulate the hardware keyboard controller directly),
>plug in an external keyboard -- overcomes a lot of problems.

Norman Bauman
411 W. 54 St. Apt. 2D
New York, NY 10019
(212) 977-3223