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Re: New XYENC 1/13/09 release

Reply to note from wbass@xxxxxxxx Fri, 16 Jan 2009 03:45:33 -0700


The new release of XYENC/XYDEC is superb! I can't make it go wrong.
It encodes and decodes XYWWWEB.U2 and XYWWWEB.INF perfectly -- and
instantaneously. To ratchet up the challenge, I tested it against a
file I call LOTSA3S.TXT, which is chock full of oddball 3-byters.
Again, no problem. (If you'd like to try it yourself, I UL'd a self-
extracting archive to http://users.datarealm.com/ammaze/xfer/lotsa3s.exe.
To view it in XyWrite, however, use Xy4; it's too much for Xy3 to

The new, 60-character line length for encoded output is ideal for
email transmission. Thanks for adding that.

The more I delve into your programs, the more captivated I become.
This is a real advance for XyWriters of every stripe, particularly
those who write XPL. Although U2 has a number of encoding utilities
(notably Robert's XPLeNCODE, also my Base64 and Quoted-Printable
routines), these are all Xy4-specific. Your utils can be used by
anyone, effectively creating a lingua franca for all flavors of

The advantages of your approach are many. The encoding scheme is
devilishly clever, and very "XyWriterly" in concept. Encoded XPL is
highly readable. The ability to add white space, comments and native
XyWrite formatting to create structured, explicated code -- without
affecting decodability -- is invaluable. (XyWrite-formatted code
would have to be re-encoded for e-mail transmission, as you point out
in your documentation.) Decoding is lightning-fast (as is encoding),
so that you can effectively RUN encoded material as though it were
executable XPL (as my U2 frame RUNN demonstrates).

I'm experiencing some miscues with QDF1.PM, especially in Xy4, but
also in Xy3 in some instances. I haven't had a chance to pin down the
problems, yet; will do so as soon as I can. The concept, though
-- using XPL to automate the creation of structured code -- is spot
on. Cf. the "view structured listing" option in Robert's IFEI
routine to test for balanced|nested IFs and EndIfs.

> I often follow a practice of commenting such things thusly
> BC ch /this/that/XC BC this is a comment#
> where the "#" at the end of each line is a 3 byte 0FFh
> character. ... a 3 byte 0FFh at the end of each line is
> essential to keep the CR at line end from doing its usual
> "execute" function, and trying to "execute" the comments.
> ...
> I wanted to be sure that this technique is still valid in
> XyWrite IV. Please let me know if it's not, and I will stop
> this practice.

Unfortunately, this does NOT work in Xy4. In theory, it *should*
work. When the 3-byte FF (255) is put to the CMline, it's transformed
into a 1-byte FF, which should, in turn, fuse with the next two bytes
(0D and 0A) to create a new 3-byte char, which is then erased by the
next func BC. In practice, though, that doesn't happen in Xy4. You
can scrape by with 'BCcomment___:~255_'^ (i.e., add a space *after*
the FFh|255d), but the execution is not clean.

An alternate way that does work in both Xy3 and Xy4 is to put a WAIT
command immediately before the CrLf. Visually, it's not as satisfying
as your 255 kluge, but it is bulletproof. WAIT can be abbreviated to
WT to reduce the clutter. Here's a proof of concept: a whole bunch of
Xy4 commands placed on the CMline as non-executing comments (RUN it
in Xy3 or Xy4):


That's it for now. Congratulations on the new release. It's an
extremely useful tool.

Carl Distefano