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Re: glitch putting Xywrite on Windows XP

Reply to note from Lynn Brenner  Wed, 3
Aug 2011 17:53:38 -0400


> @echo off
> path %PATH%;e:\xy
> editor.exe

Your BATch file is correct. BUT: you say you "rebooted" after saving
the BATch file to e:\xy. If you mean you rebooted the computer,
there was no need to do that. What you need to do is use the BATch
file to *launch XyWrite*. One way is to open a CMD session (Start >
Run > CMD.EXE) and at the command prompt, enter
(case doesn't matter).

If you are launching XyWrite from an icon on the Desktop, make sure
the shortcut (in the Properties dialog) is:

%systemroot%\system32\cmd.exe /c e:\xy\solve.bat


%systemroot%\system32\command.com /c e:\xy\solve.bat

Hope this helps.

Carl Distefano