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Re: A couple of issues

>a specific platform like Windows. What, therefore, are TTG's plans for
>building in Internet technology to the new product? Further, what plans
>are there to implement the new product in Java? Again, forgive my
>bullishness, but this is where the future, if not current market lies.
  This is essentially what I and others have been trying to get accross to
Ken for some time now, James. The new product itself sounds great, and I
totally agree with Ken's statements about XY4 being better in most ways than
XY3, about it being necessary to evolve to remain solvent, etc. However,
tying their wagon to MS's tail could prove suicidal --
  What it appears like from here is that TTG has been concentrating their
attention on the law firm market primarily -- and knowing a few law
librarians, the picture I get of that area is that whole realm is almost
oblivious of the net -- and has simply not kept up with what is going on
with the net, WWW, etc. Witness Ken's statement about a "lukewarm" reception
of Java -- gads, it's redhot! Not at MS, of course, since Java and Netscape
put the death knell to Bill Gates' dream of Internet domination. Also witness
TTG's lack of a website -- unthinkable for a software company, when even
LandRover and Rollerblade have websites.
  I think you are absolutely right, TTG should be seeking cross-platform
flexibility for their product, and Java would certainly be the way to go,
since what isn't still coded in assembler (ala XY3) is in C (or was it C++)
and so their C programmers could easily migrate to Java. OTOH, they aren't
that big of company, and with a large amount of code in assembler, do they
really have the resources to convert that all to Java? Would they need to? I
don't know. And if they did, would XY still be the speed demon it is now?
Because that original assembler coding was the essential reason for XY being
the superior app that it was and still is. I guess I get the feeling that
TTG simply doesn't have the resources to make the change, and all their eggs
are already in the windoz basket, so whether they can see the big picture or
not, that's where they are going to stay.

  Gosh, now I've gone and babbled endlessly again. Sorry, Jack, for
slobbering all over your screen again. Sigh. Remember -- it's "D" for delete.

Harmon Seaver

"Some mon just deal wit' information. An' some mon, him deal wit' the
concept of truth. An' den some mon deal wit' magic. Information flow aroun'
ya, an' truth flow right at ya. But magic, it flow t'rough ya."
     -- Nernelly, A Jamaican "Bush Doctor," 1982

Copyright, Harmon F. Seaver, 1995. License to distribute this post is
available to Microsoft for US$1,000 per instance, or local equivalent.