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Re: Typing allergy

Reply to note from ajx  Sun, 11 Jan 2004 08:26:26

> Because  doesn't work. It either gives the error "need
> id & expression" or it copies the content of the saveget
> holding the *code* into the text. It's 3.55 remember.

3.55 has nothing to do with it. I used 3.55 for many years and have
tons of III+ XPL that uses  to copy DeFined material to
Save/Get nn. It worked. I still have v3.55, and I just tried it
now. BC  -- it still works. The DeFined block is
copied from text to the CMline.

"Need id & expression" indicates no DeFined block or an incomplete
DeFine (one that hasn't been "closed" with a second press of the
DeFine key). I did expressly say that a complete DeFine was
required. You can get around that (allow an incomplete DeFine) with
BC es 1XC DF BC esXC BC . I was trying to keep my
example simple.

I don't know what you mean by "copies the content of the saveget
holding the *code* into the text". What Save/Get? What code? What
text? BC  copies DeFined text to the CMline. If
that's not what you're talking about, then we're speaking at cross-

> Yesterday I moved over 30k from one file to another (unaware it
> was that much). That overwrote resident variables - but the
> move worked, and gave no error message.

Sorry, but I don't understand any of that. How can moving something
from one file to another overwrite variables (Save/Gets)? And what
does this example have to do with copying material to the CMline, or
even with your original observation that XPL code so copied will be
executed (the PV side effect)? The thread is slipping away. But no
matter; I've said my peace.

Carl Distefano