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Re: XyWrite and Email

Reply to note from "Michael Edwards"  Tue, 25 Jun
2002 02:18:51 +1000

> ...these programs [Hacksaw; XyShell] sound rather interesting.
> Are they still available? And do you know where I could find
> out more about them?
>   Are they large, major (and expensive) programs, or more like
> little utilities that are easy to use and easy to install?

XyShell, when it becomes available (soon, soon!), will be freeware
for users who are content to run only the XyShell routines
(including Xymail) bundled with the Jumbo U2. Those who want to run
other Rexx scripts will need to purchase Rexx for Windows from IBM.

Hacksaw is small, cheap, superb. It's no longer developed or
supported, but may still be available from InnoVal. The cost in
1997 was something like US$40, but, who knows, it may be freeware
now. Why not drop them a line (info@xxxxxxxx) and find out? I'd
be curious to hear what they say.

Carl Distefano