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Xy re-open files

Can someone tell me whether Xy IV can save/find its re-open files
in directories other than XyWrite's root?

These are the files created by File/Re-Open in the enhanced
menu/dialogue system. (Session-log and session-restore for
XyWin.) It would make updating and restoring sessions easier if the
re-open files were stored in the same directory as the document(s)
I'm using.

I thought this could be done, but now that I want it I can't seem to
figure out how to do it without re-coding the dlg file.   Of course,
now that I think of it, it would be much more difficult to provide a
complete list of possible sessions to re-open if the files were not in
a central location. 

Hmmm.  Maybe as simple batch copy file would be the way to go.
Can you use a batch file to "freshen" files (i.e. make sure that two
locations contain the most recent versions of a list of files, copying
whichever way is necessary)? What is needed are switches that
tells DOS to overwrite files without verification if and only if the
source is more recent than the target, ignore everything else, and
run silently.    This is done by many utilities and command line
enhancements, but I don't know how to do with with DOS/Win95
batch files.
