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Re: WordPerfect CMline Macro

I have tested your macro under WordPerfect 8. The programs produces compilation errors, but I believe it's a minor problem related to some characters (I am putting character causing the problem between brackets):

line 4, character 36
Public version provided "as is["] – No warranties of any kind
Public version provided "as is" – No warranties of any kind

line 8, character 46
Application (A1; "WordPerfect"; Default; "EN"[)]

line 644, character 78
Don't know [']
As the program indicates the number of the caracters, it's stupid to repeat the context:

line 648, character 76
line 861, character 1

A minor correction for your XYCMHELP.WPD help file:
Command: EM
Insert em dash ("–") at cursor position
Command: EN
Insert en dash ("—") at cursor position

The em dash characters are reversed.
I hope this feedback will be useful for you.
Best regards,
Manuel Castelao