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In the past 10 years a lot of people have developed various kinds of "front-ends" for SQL.
You might find something suitable for your needs at http://www.sourceforge.net ... filter the results by choosing your operating system and selecting the "database" category ...
It's all open source (free) software, and most of what I've tried from there has been good..


Harry wrote:

>> Re Filemaker vs. SQL programs:

My wife worked with SQL (as a programming consultant to a bank) about 10
years ago. She doesn't know what's available now, but she say that that
time, all SQL things had to be hand-coded, whereas Filemaker is a little
higher-level, providing modules for assembling nice displays and reports.
Filemaker is programmable, too, but the less expensive version allows you
only to pick code elements to drop in, rather than typing in lines of code.
So the nice thing about Filemaker is that you can get up and running
quickly--really quickly--with virtually no debugging required.

I guess it's the perennial trade-off between the power and flexibility of
hand-coding vs. the ease and speed of higher-level, "dumb-user-friendly"
software. <<


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