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Re: R: Change Invisibles: migrating from Xy 3.55 to 4.017

Reply to note from Leslie Bialler  Sat, 11 Mar
2000 12:23:24 -0500

-> But here's the curious thing: I use 174/175 precisely because
-> it easier is to edit and refine the XPL when formatting does
-> not show when you are editing. Anyway, if you use BC/XC instead
-> of BX/Q2 Jack _is_ found.

That's because, in a BX...Q2 statement, SEarching is WYSIWYG: what
you see in the SEarch command is what you get in the file you're
searching. Whereas BC...XC puts the search string on the CMline
first, with the result that 3-byte characters are transformed into
their 1-byte equivalents. The 1-byter version is what's searched
for, not what appears literally between BC and XC! Specifically,
3-byte (printable) euroquotes in the search string flag the 1-byte
euroquotes used to embed formatting statements such as .

This, by the way, is a well-documented *difference* between BX...Q2
and BC...XC -- see, e.g., Signature: Making the Transition and
Robert's documentation to STACK.PM (the section entitled "Coffee
Break: One-Byte, Three-Byte, and Five-Byte Characters") -- not a bug
in BX.

Carl Distefano