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Re: BIGED Calling up entries from LEX's ECY and TXT searches

Reply to note from "Paul Breeze" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
(Redacted sender "paul.breeze" for DMARC) Sat, 21 Dec 2019 13:23:52


> For example I have been searching for 'utilitarianism' which
> throws up a lot of entries.  Using TRACK on the first of the main
> entries works; on the tenth entry I am left midway through an
> entry for TAIT, A. F.; using it on the last entry, meanwhile
> simply leaves me at the start of the Encyclopaedia.

Yes, I encounter this too, and so far have not been able to grok
what's happening. If you want to do these searches in XyWrite, your
best bet, I think, is to open Brittanica in BigED and use
BigSE[B] "search_term"<Helpkey> .

> I have a TXT copy of the Diary of Samuel Pepys but if I search
> that, TRACK does not take me to the correct place in the text.  I
> know that you spent some time editing the other files so that
> they worked with BIGED.  Is there something I can do to PEPYS.TXT
> to make it more reliable?

You should not have to edit TeXT files. I downloaded the Pepys text
from Gutenberg and searched it as is. In my quick testing I found
that TRACK reliably took me to the line immediately above the
search term.

> Britannica is not the ideal text file to be searching in
> this way.

True. Better to use a program that creates an index of the file(s)
to be searched. I really like DocFetcher. It's blazingly fast both
for index creation (a one-time exercise for static files like
Brittanica) and for searching. It also handles a wide variety of
file types, which is invaluable.

Carl Distefano