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Re: Revised installer for XyWin

Hi Edward,

It looks like I did not check the case when specified files cannot be found. You are right that in such case errorlevel was not zero and the command window was closed automatically. I have fixed this, and the updated files are still downloadable from:


Hope this helps.


On Tuesday, January 28, 2020, 11:14:13 a.m. EST, Edward Mendelson <em36@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Thank you again! This is almost perfect - I can only see one small problem.

In XyWrite for Windows, if I run the command

DOS/nv/z dir *.x*

and the result is "File not found", then the command window doesn't stay
open so that the usr can see that result.

I think I understand that you are trying to avoid using something like
CMD /K where I would have to type exit to close the window, but maybe
start.exe could stay open to display the error if the errorlevel is not
zero. (I'm guessing that this is what you're testing, but of course I
don't know anything about it.)

Meanwhile, this is terrific work. Thank you again.

Kari and Carl and Paul - am I misunderstanding how a DOS command should