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Re: XyWrite's automatic backup command

Thank you Carl. I found the command on another laptop's startup.int. It was just a line,

BX y:,w: XC

where, in this case, y: is my vDos alias for my home drive, and w: is a network drive. I am assuming that it expects to see the same path structure on the network drive as on the home drive?

I like it because it's so simple.

That newer Dell XPS LXetc has developed some annoying problems so I am back to an older one, and I find that I was not using this command. Therefore, my locked file problem is not on the network drive. I'll query this in a separate email.

At 12/16/2021 06:05 PM, you wrote:
Reply to note from Bill Troop <billtroop@xxxxxxxxx> Thu, 16 Dec 2021
14:44:36 +0000


> I have forgotten how to work with the XyWrite command that saves
> your file to two locations when you invoke save.

Are you maybe thinking of the Drive command, which allows you to
specify the current drive and a backup drive? From XY4.HLP:

- - - - -
Drive command

Sets the default drive (d is the letter of the drive you are
specifying as the default drive) and, optionally, the save
drive (d1 is the letter of the save drive).  The save drive is
where XyWrite stores a backup copy of your file and updates
it every time you store or save that file.  When you omit a
drive (d) in other commands, XyWrite uses the default drive.
- - - - -

I like Harry's keyboard-file solution better since it allows you to
direct the backup save to a particular subdirectory of the backup
drive. With the native drive command, your file will be saved to the
active directory of drive d1:, whatever that happens to be.

If you're running Xy4-DOS + the Jumbo U2 (release 2019-03-03 or later),
there is a command called SAA (extended SAve), which SAves your file in
the normal way and, optionally, copies it to any number of additional

SAA [d:\path1[ d:\path2 [d:\path3 ... ]]]<Helpkey>

You can assign the string of d:\paths to user variable "SAA_to" in

SAA_to=d:\path1 d:\path2 d:\path3

which allows you to issue the simple command SAA<Helpkey>.

SAA is nice because the backup copies are saved in the background -- so
that specifying a whole string of locations won't hold up your editing
in XyWrite.

To run SAA, AI3.EXE and COPIES.A3X must be present in the directory
with Editor.exe. These files part of U2EXTRAS.ZIP:


Carl Distefano