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Re: vDosPlus XyWrite 4 Service Pack and vDosPlus XyWrite Update (for all XyWrite products)

The installers can be run in any virtual Windows solution on a Mac. As to how to install this on a Mac more directly, I am not sure (Carl and I do not use Macs, I must admit that this has not come up between us). However, the solution relies on standard Ghostscript and standard GS printer fonts and Google's unmodified Cousine screen font (CP437 and CP850). These should be installable on a Mac. Other things are internal to XyWrite. What is the best solution for Macs, I do not know. Those more knowledgeable in Mac matters must figure this out.

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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Lisa Kleinholz wrote:
Kari and Carl,
Thank you so much for this! Is any of it relevant if one is working on a Mac? If so, please clarify as I would definitely use it if possible.

Happy Holidays!