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Re: Missing descenders in Notabene

Caballero wrote:
But let's admit that RTF is vitruously lean by comparison to Word. Just use an editor like TextWrangler to open an RTF. You might see something like this at the top of the file:
Well, anything is lean and mean by comparison with Weird. But
your example was a hardly-formatted-at-all e-mail. But here's a
moderately formatted doc in Xy:

≪USH1≫≪C1≫.	This is a first-level head.
≪USINIT≫And this is initial text; i.e., the first paragraph under a heading. ≪USH2≫≪C2≫. This is second-level head.≪MD-BO≫ ≪USINIT≫And this is the text that follows a second-level head. ≪USTEXT≫And this is the style for a subsequent paragraph under any head.

And here is that same doc output to RTF:

{\rtf1\ansi \deff0 {\fonttbl {\f0\fmodern COURIER;}
{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue127;\red0\green127\blue0;\red0\green127\blue127;\red127\green0\blue0;\red127\green0\blue127;\red127\green127\blue0;\red127\green127\blue127;\red192\green192\blue192;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green255\blue0;\red0\green255\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;\red255\green0\blue255;\red255\green255\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;}\linex0 \sbknone \margl1440 \margr1440 \margt720 \margb1440 \plain \margb2160 \margt720 \gutter1440 \margt720 \margb2880 \margb1440 \widowctrl \widowctrl \fs24 \f0 \fs24 \f0 {\stylesheet {\snext0 Normal;} {\s2 \sl280 \tx0 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \sbasedon0 \snext2 INIT;}
}{\stylesheet {\snext0 Normal;}
{\s2 \li0 \fi720 \sl320 \tx0 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \sbasedon0 \snext2 TEXT;}
}\b \fs28 \f0 {\stylesheet {\snext0 Normal;}
{\s2 \li0 \fi720 \sl360 \tx0 \tx720 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \sbasedon0 \snext2 H1;}
}\fs24 \f0 {\stylesheet {\snext0 Normal;}
{\s2 \li0 \fi720 \sl400 \tx0 \tx720 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \tx10080 \tx10800 \sbasedon0 \snext2 H2;}
}\pard \sl280 \par
\pard \fi720 \sl400 \tx720 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \tx10080 \tx10800 1.\tab This is a first-level head.\par \plain \pard \sl320 \tx1440 And this is initial text; i.e., the first paragraph under a heading.\par \b \pard \s2 \sl440 \tx1440 1. This is second-level head.\plain \pard \sl320 \tx1440 And this is the text that follows a second-level head.\par \pard \fi720 \sl320 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 And this is the style for a subsequent paragraph under any head.\par


And _where_ can one find out what all those codes mean?
And by the by, I copied and pasted that, using Clip, from Xy to Thunderbird with no problems whatsoever, on the Vista laptop. On 98Se, it would have crashed Tbird, I'm sure.
Patricia M. Godfrey