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Re: Netscape

Nathan Sivin wrote:
> a while downloading. It's 9 MB, and 13 MB for the Pro version (no
> explanation of the difference, no doubt for those pros who don't get
> their fill of bugs in the smaller version).

  The Pro version has Calendaring -- which is an absolutely superb tool
for co-ordinating everyone's calendar for meetings, etc. Might not be
quite done yet, but it sure looks slick so far. We're just hoping that
Netscape doesn't decide to take this out of the "free to educational"
catagory when it's done. Although it looks so good and so useful right
now that we might even be willing to actually pay for the thing --
depending on how much, that is. The conferencing and other stuff looks
good too -- and quite frankly, I wouldn't dream of using anything else
for email. All my lists float off to their own little folders so nicely
by themselves and the editor is the best I've tried in mail.

Harmon Seaver hseaver@xxxxxxxx http://www.zebra.net/~hseaver
All is impermanent, but this too shall pass away, and the way of the
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