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Re: start.exe and URLs


This seems a very good way to add flexibility to the naming of START.EXE. Thank you for refining the solution.

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)


Thanks for your suggestion. I have updated start.exe as follows:
1) Start.exe will now also try to read command list from the file named ".lst" in the directory containing the executable. For example, if the executable name is "start.exe" (the default name), then it will try to open the command list file from "start.lst" in addition to "cmds.lst"; if the exectuable name is "command.com", then it will try to open the command list file from "command.lst" in addition to "cmds.lst". So you can for example rename the 3 files as "command.com", "command.lst" and "command.txt" as you wish for XyWin setups. For vDosPlus though, renaming to "command.com" will not work because the name is reserved.